Richard John Bold, M.D.

 Richard John Bold

Position Title
Executive Vice Chair, Department of Surgery
Physician-In-Chief, UC Davis Health Comprehensive Cancer Center
Medical Director, UC Davis Cancer Care Network
Assistant Clinical Strategy Officer
Isabelle J. McDonald Endowed Professor of Cancer Research
Professor, Division of Surgical Oncology

  • UC Davis Health

A researcher as well as a surgical oncologist, Dr. Bold is an expert in pancreatic and hepatobiliary cancers, breast cancer and the application of minimally invasive surgical techniques for patients with cancer. He has implemented a variety of minimally invasive surgical techniques to treat patients with benign or malignant tumors. These include the sentinel lymph-node biopsy procedure for women with breast cancer and a variety of laparoscopic procedures for abdominal tumors, including laparoscopic adrenalectomy, splenectomy and pancreatectomy.

Dr. Bold is a key member of a multidisciplinary breast cancer research team involving experts from radiology, nuclear medicine, and biomedical engineering working to improve breast cancer detection and better guide surgical intervention. He also oversees an active basic-science laboratory investigating mechanisms of resistance to traditional chemotherapy as well as testing new treatments for detecting and treating cancer.

Dr. Bold has published extensively in the areas of apoptosis, metastasis, and the cellular biology of pancreatic and lung cancers. He is an integral member of the Clinical Trials Group at the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Honors and Awards
  • Making a Difference Award, UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, 2013
  • UCDMC Dean's Excellence Award, Outstanding contribution as a transformative leader in the mission area of Clinical Care. Issued by Vice Chancellor of Human Health, Sciences and Dean of the School of Medicine, 2013
  • Best Doctor in America recipient, 2013
  • Outstanding Faculty Member in a Teaching Capacity UC Davis Medical Center, Department of Surgery, 2011
  • Awardee of the Australia and New Zealand Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Traveling Fellowship Scholar for 2009, 2008
  • Certificate of Service Appreciation, Department of Veterans Affairs Biomedical Laboratory, 2009
  • Isabell J. McDonald Endowment Cancer Research Achievement Award, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
  • Consumers' Research Council of America Guide to America's Top Surgeons inclusion. Washington DC publication, 2002, 2004
  • Outstanding Faculty Member In a Teaching Capacity UC Davis Medical Center, Department of Surgery, 2003, 2004
  • Cancer Liaison Physician for the American College of Surgeons' Appointed by the Commission on Cancer, American College of Surgeons (est. 1922), 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004
  • Christine and Helen Landgraf Memorial Award for Cancer Research, 2000
  • Franklin H. Martin Faculty Research Fellowship, 1999
  • James Ewing Oncology Fellowship, 1999
  • Marvin M. Romsdahl Clinical Excellence Award, M.D.Anderson Center, 1998
  • Outstanding Poster Presentation, Basic Science M.D. Anderson Cancer Center Trainee Competition, 1998
  • Resident Teacher of the Year, Department of Surgery, UC Davis-East Bay, 1996
  • Alpha Omega Alpha, 1994
  • Graduated Magna Cum Laude, UC San Diego, 1985
  • University of California Regents Scholar, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985
  • Revelle College Provost Honors, UC San Diego, 1982, 1983, 1984
Research Interests & Expertise
  • Pancreatic and hepatobiliary cancers
  • Breast cancer
Membership and Service
  • Alpha Omega Alpha
  • American Association for Cancer Research
  • American College of Surgeons
  • Association of Academic Surgery
  • North American Surgical Oncology Group
  • Pacific Coast Surgical Association
  • Sacramento Surgical Society
  • Society of Surgical Oncology
  • Society of University Surgeons
  • The Pancreas Club
  • The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract