Peer Reviewed Articles
- 2025
- [146] X. Liu, J. Bec, X. Zhou, A. Garcia, and L. Marcu, "Multispectral laser-scanning pulse-sampling fluorescence lifetime system for large-scale tissue imaging," Opt. Lett. 50, 900-903 (2025)
[145] D. R. Dave, A. Alfonso Garcia, L. Kraft, L. Marcu, C. T. Pereira, "Defining the Zone of Acute Peripheral Nerve Injury Using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging in a Crush Injury Sheep Model", The Journal of Hand Surgery, (2025) - 2024
- [144] N. Yuan, M. A. Hassan, k. Ehrlich, B. W. Weyers, g. Biddle, V. Ivanovic, O. A. A. Raslan, D. Gui, M. Abouyared, A. F. Bewley, A. C. Birkeland, D. G. Farwell, L. Marcu, J. Qi, "Early Detection of Lymph Node Metastasis Using Primary Head and Neck Cancer Computed Tomography and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging". Diagnostics, 14(18), 2097, (2024)
[143] J. Bec, X. Zhou, M. Villiger, J. A. Southard, B. Bouma, and L. Marcu, "Dual modality intravascular catheter system combining pulse-sampling fluorescence lifetime imaging and polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography", Biomed. Opt. Express 15, 2114-2132, (2024)
[142] V. Tufaro, F.A. Jaffer, P.W. Serruys, Y. Onuma, A. F.W. van der Steen, G.W. Stone, J. E. Muller, L. Marcu, G. Van Soest,
B. K. Courtney, G. J. Tearney, and C. V. Bourantas, "Emerging Hybrid Intracoronary Imaging Technologies and Their
Applications in Clinical Practice and Research", J Am Coll Cardiol Intv. 2024 Sep, 17 (17) 1963–1979 (2024) - 2023
- [141] M. A. Hassan Hassan, B. W. Weyers, J. Bec, J. Qi, D. Gui, A. F. Bewley, M. Abouyared, D. G. Farwell, A. C. Birkeland, L. Marcu, "FLIm-Based in Vivo Classification of Residual Cancer in the Surgical Cavity During Transoral Robotic Surgery.", in Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14228. Springer, (2023)
[140] P. Bou-Samra, N. Muhammad, A. Chang, R. Karsalia, F. Azari, G. Kennedy, W. Stummer, J. Tanyi, L. Martin, A.
Vahrmeijer, B. Smith, E. Rosenthal, P. Wagner, D. Rice, A. Lee, A. Abdelhafeez, M. Malek, G. Kohanbash, W. Barry
Edwards, E. Henderson, J. Skjøth-Rasmussen, R. Orosco, S. Gibbs, R. W Farnam, L. Shankar, B. Sumer, A. TN Kumar, L.
Marcu, L. Li, V. Greuv, E. J Delikatny, J. YK Lee, S. Singhal, "Intraoperative molecular imaging: 3rd biennial clinical trials
update", Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 28, Issue 5, 050901 (2023)
[139] X. Zhou, J. Bec, K. Ehrlich, A. Alfonso Garcia, and L. Marcu, "Pulse-sampling fluorescence lifetime imaging: evaluation of photon economy," Opt. Lett. 48, 4578-4581 (2023)
[138] A. Alfonso-Garcia, S. Anbunesan, J. Bec, H. Lee, L. Jin, O. Bloch, and L. Marcu, "In vivo characterization of the human glioblastoma infiltrative edge with label-free intraoperative fluorescence lifetime imaging," Biomed. Opt. Express 14, 2196-2208 (2023).
[137] M. A. Hassan Hassan, B. W. Weyers, J. Bec, F. Fereidouni, J. Qi, D. Gui, A. F. Bewley, M. Abouyared, D. G. Farwell, A. C. Birkeland, L. Marcu, "Anatomy-Specific Classification Model Using Label-free FLIm to Aid Intraoperative Surgical Guidance of Head and Neck Cancer," in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (2023)
[136] X. Zhou, A. K. Haudenschild, C. Li, and L. Marcu, "Multimodal fluorescence lifetime imaging and optical coherence tomography for longitudinal monitoring of tissue-engineered cartilage maturation in a preclinical implantation model," J Biomed Opt 28, 026003 (2023).
[135] Unger, J., Marsden, M., Fukazawa, T. and Marcu, L., "The role of machine learning and time-resolved autofluorescence imaging for intraoperative cancer margin delineation." Optical Spectroscopy And Imaging For Cancer Diagnostics: Fundamentals, Progress, And Challenges, p.346. (2023) - 2022
- [134] Noble Anbunesan S, Alfonso-Garcia A, Zhou X, Bec J, Lee HS, Jin LW, Bloch O, Marcu L. "Intraoperative detection of IDH-mutant glioma using fluorescence lifetime imaging." Journal of Biophotonics (2022).
[133] C. Bartolo-Perez, A. Ahamed, A. S. Mayet, A. Rawat, L. McPhillips, S. Ghandiparsi, J. Bec, G. Arino-Estrada, S. Cherry, S. Y. Wang, L. Marcu, and M. Saif Islam, "Engineering the gain and bandwidth in avalanche photodetectors," Opt Express 30, 16873-16882 (2022).
[132] A. K. Haudenschild, B. E. Sherlock, X. Zhou, C. S. Sheaff, J. C. Hu, J. K. Leach, L. Marcu, and K. A. Athanasiou, "Non-destructive, continuous monitoring of biochemical, mechanical, and structural maturation in engineered tissue," Sci Rep 12, 16227 (2022).
[131] Weyers, B. W., Birkeland, A. C., Marsden, M. A., Tam, A., Bec, J., Frusciante, R. P., Gui, D., Bewley, A. F., Abouyared, M., Marcu, L., & Farwell, D. G. "Intraoperative delineation of p16+ oropharyngeal carcinoma of unknown primary origin with fluorescence lifetime imaging: Preliminary report." Head & neck, 44(8), 1765–1776 (2022).
[130] C. Li, J. Bec, X. Zhou, and L. Marcu, "Dual-modality fluorescence lifetime imaging-optical coherence tomography intravascular catheter system with freeform catheter optics," J Biomed Opt, 27(7), 076005 (2022)
[129] A. Alfonso-Garcia, S. A. Cevallos, J-Y. Lee, C. Li, J. Bec, A. J. Bäumler, L. Marcu. "Assessment of Murine Colon Inflammation Using Intraluminal Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging." Molecules; 27(4):1317 (2022)
[128] A. Alfonso-García, X. Zhou, J. Bec, S. N. Anbunesan, F. Fereidouni, L-W. Jin, H. S. Lee, O. Bloch, L. Marcu, "First in patient assessment of brain tumor infiltrative margins using simultaneous time-resolved measurements of 5-ALA-induced PpIX fluorescence and tissue autofluorescence," J. Biomed. Opt. 27(2) 020501 (2022) - 2021
- [127] X. Zhou, J. Bec, D. Yankelevich, and L. Marcu, "Multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging device with a silicon avalanche photodetector," Optics Express 29, 20105-20120 (2021).
[126] M. Marsden, S. S. Weaver, L. Marcu, and M. J. Campbell, "Intraoperative Mapping of Parathyroid Glands Using Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging," Journal of Surgical Research 265, 42-48 (2021)
[125] A. Alfonso-Garcia, J. Bec, B. Weyers, M. Marsden, X. N. Zhou, C. Li, and L. Marcu, "Mesoscopic fluorescence lifetime imaging: Fundamental principles, clinical applications and future directions," Journal of Biophotonics 14 (2021). - 2020
- [124] M. Marsden, B. W. Weyers, J. Bec, T. Sun, R. F. Gandour-Edwards, A. C. Birkeland, M. Abouyared, A. F. Bewley, D. G. Farwell, and L. Marcu, "Intraoperative Margin Assessment in Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer Using Label-Free Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Machine Learning," IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 68, 857-868 (2021).
[123] N. Vazquez-Portalatin, A. Alfonso-Garcia, J. C. Liu, L. Marcu, and A. Panitch, "Physical, Biomechanical, and Optical Characterization of Collagen and Elastin Blend Hydrogels," Ann Biomed Eng 48, 2924-2935 (2020).
[122] J. Unger, C. Hebisch, J. E. Phipps, J. L. Lagarto, H. Kim, M. A. Darrow, R. J. Bold, and L. Marcu, "Real-time diagnosis and visualization of tumor margins in excised breast specimens using fluorescence lifetime imaging and machine learning," Biomed Opt Express 11, 1216-1230 (2020).
[121] T. A. Shaik, A. Alfonso-Garcia, X. Zhou, K. M. Arnold, A. K. Haudenschild, C. Krafft, L. G. Griffiths, J. Popp, and L. Marcu, "FLIm-Guided Raman Imaging to Study Cross-Linking and Calcification of Bovine Pericardium," Anal Chem 92, 10659-10667 (2020).
[120] T. A. Shaik, A. Alfonso-Garcia, M. Richter, F. Korinth, C. Krafft, L. Marcu, and J. Popp, "FLIm and Raman Spectroscopy for Investigating Biochemical Changes of Bovine Pericardium upon Genipin Cross-Linking," Molecules 25 (2020).
[119] M. Marsden, T. Fukazawa, Y. C. Deng, B. W. Weyers, J. Bec, D. Gregory Farwell, and L. Marcu, "FLImBrush: dynamic visualization of intraoperative free-hand fiber-based fluorescence lifetime imaging," Biomed Opt Express 11, 5166-5180 (2020).
[118] J. Bec, D. Vela, J. E. Phipps, M. Agung, J. Unger, K. B. Margulies, J. A. Southard, L. M. Buja, and L. Marcu, "Label-Free Visualization and Quantification of Biochemical Markers of Atherosclerotic Plaque Progression Using Intravascular Fluorescence Lifetime," JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging (2020).
[117] J. Bec, T. A. Shaik, C. Krafft, T. W. Bocklitz, A. Alfonso-Garcia, K. B. Margulies, J. Popp, and L. Marcu, "Investigating Origins of FLIm Contrast in Atherosclerotic Lesions Using Combined FLIm-Raman Spectroscopy," Front Cardiovasc Med 7, 122 (2020).
[116] A. Alfonso-Garcia, J. Bec, S. Sridharan Weaver, B. Hartl, J. Unger, M. Bobinski, M. Lechpammer, F. Girgis, J. Boggan, and L. Marcu, "Real-time augmented reality for delineation of surgical margins during neurosurgery using autofluorescence lifetime contrast," J Biophotonics 13, e201900108 (2020). - 2019
- [115] W. Yang, A. S. Mondol, C. Stiebing, L. Marcu, J. Popp, and I. W. Schie, "Raman ChemLighter: Fiber optic Raman probe imaging in combination with augmented chemical reality," J Biophotonics 12, e201800447 (2019).
[114] B. W. Weyers, M. Marsden, T. Sun, J. Bec, A. F. Bewley, R. F. Gandour-Edwards, M. G. Moore, D. G. Farwell, and L. Marcu, "Fluorescence lifetime imaging for intraoperative cancer delineation in transoral robotic surgery," Transl Biophotonics 1, e201900017 (2019).
[113] J. Shklover, J. McMasters, A. Alfonso-Garcia, M. L. Higuita, A. Panitch, L. Marcu, and L. Griffiths, "Bovine pericardial extracellular matrix niche modulates human aortic endothelial cell phenotype and function," Sci Rep 9, 16688 (2019).
[112] B. E. Sherlock, C. Li, X. Zhou, A. Alfonso-Garcia, J. Bec, D. Yankelevich, and L. Marcu, "Multiscale, multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging using a double-clad fiber," Opt Lett 44, 2302-2305 (2019).
[111] C. Li, A. Alfonso-Garcia, J. McMasters, J. Bec, B. Weyers, L. Uyesaka, L. Griffiths, A. Panitch, and L. Marcu, "Simultaneous intraluminal imaging of tissue autofluorescence and eGFP-labeled cells in engineered vascular grafts inside a bioreactor," Methods Appl Fluoresc 7, 044003 (2019).
[110] A. K. Haudenschild, B. E. Sherlock, X. Zhou, J. C. Hu, J. K. Leach, L. Marcu, and K. A. Athanasiou, "Non-destructive detection of matrix stabilization correlates with enhanced mechanical properties of self-assembled articular cartilage," J Tissue Eng Regen Med 13, 637-648 (2019).
[109] J. N. Harvestine, C. S. Sheaff, C. Li, A. K. Haudenschild, M. A. Gionet-Gonzales, J. C. Hu, K. A. Athanasiou, L. Marcu, and J. K. Leach, "Multimodal Label-Free Imaging for Detecting Maturation of Engineered Osteogenic Grafts," Acs Biomater Sci Eng 5, 1956-1966 (2019).
[108] D. Gorpas, J. Phipps, J. Bec, D. Ma, S. Dochow, D. Yankelevich, J. Sorger, J. Popp, A. Bewley, R. Gandour-Edwards, L. Marcu, and D. G. Farwell, "Autofluorescence lifetime augmented reality as a means for real-time robotic surgery guidance in human patients," Sci Rep 9, 1187 (2019).
[107] J. Bec, C. Li, and L. Marcu, "Broadband, freeform focusing micro-optics for a side-viewing imaging catheter," Opt Lett 44, 4961-4964 (2019).
[106] A. Alfonso-Garcia, C. Li, J. Bec, D. Yankelevich, L. Marcu, and B. Sherlock, "Fiber-based platform for synchronous imaging of endogenous and exogenous fluorescence of biological tissue," Opt Lett 44, 3350-3353 (2019). - 2018
- [105] X. Zhou, A. K. Haudenschild, B. E. Sherlock, J. C. Hu, J. K. Leach, K. A. Athanasiou, and L. Marcu, "Detection of glycosaminoglycan loss in articular cartilage by fluorescence lifetime imaging," J Biomed Opt 23, 1-8 (2018).
[104] J. Unger, T. Sun, Y. L. Chen, J. E. Phipps, R. J. Bold, M. A. Darrow, K. L. Ma, and L. Marcu, "Method for accurate registration of tissue autofluorescence imaging data with corresponding histology: a means for enhanced tumor margin assessment," J Biomed Opt 23, 1-11 (2018).
[103] B. E. Sherlock, J. N. Harvestine, D. Mitra, A. Haudenschild, J. Hu, K. A. Athanasiou, J. K. Leach, and L. Marcu, "Nondestructive assessment of collagen hydrogel cross-linking using time-resolved autofluorescence imaging," J Biomed Opt 23, 1-9 (2018).
[102] C. Li, J. Shklover, M. Parvizi, B. E. Sherlock, A. Alfonso Garcia, A. K. Haudenschild, L. G. Griffiths, and L. Marcu, "Label-Free Assessment of Collagenase Digestion on Bovine Pericardium Properties by Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging," Ann Biomed Eng 46, 1870-1881 (2018).
[101] J. L. Lagarto, J. E. Phipps, L. Faller, D. Ma, J. Unger, J. Bec, S. Griffey, J. Sorger, D. G. Farwell, and L. Marcu, "Electrocautery effects on fluorescence lifetime measurements: An in vivo study in the oral cavity," J Photochem Photobiol B 185, 90-99 (2018).
[100] A. K. Haudenschild, B. E. Sherlock, X. Zhou, J. C. Hu, J. K. Leach, L. Marcu, and K. A. Athanasiou, "Nondestructive fluorescence lifetime imaging and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy detect cartilage matrix depletion and correlate with mechanical properties," Eur Cell Mater 36, 30-43 (2018).
[99] B. A. Hartl, H. S. W. Ma, S. Sridharan, K. S. Hansen, M. S. Kent, F. Gorin, R. C. Fragoso, and L. Marcu, "Label-free fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy detects radiation-induced necrotic changes in live brain in real-time," Biomed Opt Express 9, 3559-3580 (2018).
[98] D. Gorpas, P. Davari, J. Bec, M. A. Fung, L. Marcu, D. G. Farwell, and N. Fazel, "Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy for the diagnosis of oral lichen planus," Clin Exp Dermatol 43, 546-552 (2018).
[97] A. Alfonso-Garcia, J. Shklover, B. E. Sherlock, A. Panitch, L. G. Griffiths, and L. Marcu, "Fiber-based fluorescence lifetime imaging of recellularization processes on vascular tissue constructs," J Biophotonics 11, e201700391 (2018).
[96] A. Alfonso-Garcia, A. K. Haudenschild, and L. Marcu, "Label-free assessment of carotid artery biochemical composition using fiber-based fluorescence lifetime imaging," Biomed Opt Express 9, 4064-4076 (2018). - 2017
- [95] B. E. Sherlock, J. E. Phipps, J. Bec, and L. Marcu, "Simultaneous, label-free, multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging and optical coherence tomography using a double-clad fiber," Opt Lett 42, 3753-3756 (2017).
[94] J. E. Phipps, D. Gorpas, J. Unger, M. Darrow, R. J. Bold, and L. Marcu, "Automated detection of breast cancer in resected specimens with fluorescence lifetime imaging," Phys Med Biol 63, 015003 (2017).
[93] D. Mitra, H. Fatakdawala, M. Nguyen-Truong, A. Creecy, J. Nyman, L. Marcu, and J. K. Leach, "Detection of Pentosidine Cross-Links in Cell-Secreted Decellularized Matrices Using Time Resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy," Acs Biomater Sci Eng 3, 1944-1954 (2017).
[92] L. Marcu and E. M. C. Hillman, "In vivo Optical Imaging / Intravital Microscopy," J Biophotonics 10, 760-761 (2017).
[91] L. Marcu, S. A. Boppart, M. R. Hutchinson, J. Popp, and B. C. Wilson, "Biophotonics: the big picture," J Biomed Opt 23, 1-7 (2017).
[90] D. Ma, J. Liu, J. Qi, and L. Marcu, "Reply to Comment: 'A novel method for fast and robust estimation of fluorescence decay dynamics using constrained least-square deconvolution with Laguerre expansion'," Phys Med Biol 62, 1637-1641 (2017).
[89] B. A. Hartl, H. S. W. Ma, K. S. Hansen, J. Perks, M. S. Kent, R. C. Fragoso, and L. Marcu, "The effect of radiation dose on the onset and progression of radiation-induced brain necrosis in the rat model," Int J Radiat Biol 93, 676-682 (2017).
[88] F. Fereidouni, D. Gorpas, D. Ma, H. Fatakdawala, and L. Marcu, "Rapid fluorescence lifetime estimation with modified phasor approach and Laguerre deconvolution: a comparative study," Methods Appl Fluoresc 5, 035003 (2017).
[87] C. V. Bourantas, F. A. Jaffer, F. J. Gijsen, G. van Soest, S. P. Madden, B. K. Courtney, A. M. Fard, E. Tenekecioglu, Y. Zeng, A. F. W. van der Steen, S. Emelianov, J. Muller, P. H. Stone, L. Marcu, G. J. Tearney, and P. W. Serruys, "Hybrid intravascular imaging: recent advances, technical considerations, and current applications in the study of plaque pathophysiology," Eur Heart J 38, 400-412 (2017).
[86] S. A. Boppart, J. Q. Brown, C. S. Farah, E. Kho, L. Marcu, C. M. Saunders, and H. Sterenborg, "Label-free optical imaging technologies for rapid translation and use during intraoperative surgical and tumor margin assessment," J Biomed Opt 23, 1-10 (2017).
[85] J. Bec, J. E. Phipps, D. Gorpas, D. Ma, H. Fatakdawala, K. B. Margulies, J. A. Southard, and L. Marcu, "In vivo label-free structural and biochemical imaging of coronary arteries using an integrated ultrasound and multispectral fluorescence lifetime catheter system," Sci Rep 7, 8960 (2017). - 2016
- [84] B. A. Hartl, H. Hirschberg, L. Marcu, and S. R. Cherry, "Activating Photodynamic Therapy in vitro with Cerenkov Radiation Generated from Yttrium-90," J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 35, 185-192 (2016).
[83] D. Gorpas and L. Marcu, "Fluorescence Lifetime Spectroscopy and Imaging Techniques in Medical Applications," Prog Opt Sci Photon 3, 1-46 (2016).
[82] D. Gorpas, D. Ma, J. Bec, D. R. Yankelevich, and L. Marcu, "Real-Time Visualization of Tissue Surface Biochemical Features Derived From Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements," IEEE Trans Med Imaging 35, 1802-1811 (2016).
[81] S. Dochow, H. Fatakdawala, J. E. Phipps, D. L. Ma, T. Bocklitz, M. Schmitt, J. W. Bishop, K. B. Margulies, L. Marcu, and J. Popp, "Comparing Raman and fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy from human atherosclerotic lesions using a bimodal probe," Journal of Biophotonics 9, 958-966 (2016). - 2015
- [80] D. Ma, J. Bec, D. Gorpas, D. Yankelevich, and L. Marcu, "Technique for real-time tissue characterization based on scanning multispectral fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy (ms-TRFS)," Biomed Opt Express 6, 987-1002 (2015).
[79] B. A. Hartl, H. Hirschberg, L. Marcu, and S. R. Cherry, "Characterizing low fluence thresholds for in vitro photodynamic therapy," Biomed Opt Express 6, 770-779 (2015).
[78] D. Gorpas, H. Fatakdawala, J. Bec, D. L. Ma, D. R. Yankelevich, J. Y. Qi, and L. Marcu, "Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging and Intravascular Ultrasound: Co-Registration Study Using Ex Vivo Human Coronaries," Ieee T Med Imaging 34, 156-166 (2015).
[77] H. Fatakdawala, D. Gorpas, J. W. Bishop, J. Bec, D. Ma, J. A. Southard, K. B. Margulies, and L. Marcu, "Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Combined with Conventional Intravascular Ultrasound for Enhanced Assessment of Atherosclerotic Plaques: an Ex Vivo Study in Human Coronary Arteries," J Cardiovasc Transl Res 8, 253-263 (2015).
[76] S. Dochow, D. Ma, I. Latka, T. Bocklitz, B. Hartl, J. Bec, H. Fatakdawala, E. Marple, K. Urmey, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, M. Schmitt, L. Marcu, and J. Popp, "Combined fiber probe for fluorescence lifetime and Raman spectroscopy," Anal Bioanal Chem 407, 8291-8301 (2015). - 2014
- [75] D. R. Yankelevich, D. Ma, J. Liu, Y. Sun, Y. Sun, J. Bec, D. S. Elson, and L. Marcu, "Design and evaluation of a device for fast multispectral time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging," Rev Sci Instrum 85, 034303 (2014).
[74] D. Yankelevich, J. E. Gonzalez, R. S. Cudney, L. A. Rios, and L. Marcu, "Development of a new pulsed source for photoacoustic imaging based on aperiodically poled lithium niobate," Biomed Opt Express 5, 468-473 (2014).
[73] D. Ma, J. Bec, D. R. Yankelevich, D. Gorpas, H. Fatakdawala, and L. Marcu, "Rotational multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging and intravascular ultrasound: bimodal system for intravascular applications," J Biomed Opt 19, 066004 (2014).
[72] N. Ghata, R. C. Aldredge, J. Bec, and L. Marcu, "Computational analysis of the effectiveness of blood flushing with saline injection from an intravascular diagnostic catheter," Int J Numer Method Biomed Eng 30, 1278-1293 (2014).
[71] H. Fatakdawala, L. G. Griffiths, S. Humphrey, and L. Marcu, "Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and ultrasound backscatter microscopy for nondestructive evaluation of vascular grafts," J Biomed Opt 19, 080503 (2014).
[70] J. Bec, D. M. Ma, D. R. Yankelevich, J. Liu, W. T. Ferrier, J. Southard, and L. Marcu, "Multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging system for intravascular diagnostics with ultrasound guidance: in vivo validation in swine arteries," J Biophotonics 7, 281-285 (2014). - 2013
- [69] Y. Sun, J. E. Phipps, J. Meier, N. Hatami, B. Poirier, D. S. Elson, D. G. Farwell, and L. Marcu, "Endoscopic fluorescence lifetime imaging for in vivo intraoperative diagnosis of oral carcinoma," Microsc Microanal 19, 791-798 (2013).
[68] J. E. Phipps and L. Marcu, "Lasers in cardiology," Woodh Pub Ser Elect, 490-508 (2013).
[67] M. Lam, A. J. Chaudhari, Y. Sun, F. Zhou, A. Dobbie, R. F. Gandour-Edwards, S. P. Tinling, D. G. Farwell, W. L. Monsky, K. K. Shung, and L. Marcu, "Ultrasound backscatter microscopy for imaging of oral carcinoma," J Ultrasound Med 32, 1789-1797 (2013).
[66] H. Fatakdawala, S. Poti, F. Zhou, Y. Sun, J. Bec, J. Liu, D. R. Yankelevich, S. P. Tinling, R. F. Gandour-Edwards, D. G. Farwell, and L. Marcu, "Multimodal in vivo imaging of oral cancer using fluorescence lifetime, photoacoustic and ultrasound techniques," Biomed Opt Express 4, 1724-1741 (2013). - 2012
- [65] H. Xie, J. Bec, J. Liu, Y. Sun, M. Lam, D. R. Yankelevich, and L. Marcu, "Multispectral scanning time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy (TRFS) technique for intravascular diagnosis," Biomed Opt Express 3, 1521-1533 (2012).
[64] Y. Sun, H. Xie, J. Liu, M. Lam, A. J. Chaudhari, F. Zhou, J. Bec, D. R. Yankelevich, A. Dobbie, S. L. Tinling, R. F. Gandour-Edwards, W. L. Monsky, D. G. Farwell, and L. Marcu, "In vivo validation of a bimodal technique combining time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and ultrasonic backscatter microscopy for diagnosis of oral carcinoma," J Biomed Opt 17, 116003 (2012).
[63] Y. Sun, D. Responte, H. Xie, J. Liu, H. Fatakdawala, J. Hu, K. A. Athanasiou, and L. Marcu, "Nondestructive evaluation of tissue engineered articular cartilage using time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and ultrasound backscatter microscopy," Tissue Eng Part C Methods 18, 215-226 (2012).
[62] E. Roncali, J. E. Phipps, L. Marcu, and S. R. Cherry, "Pulse shape discrimination and classification methods for continuous depth of interaction encoding PET detectors," Phys Med Biol 57, 6571-6585 (2012).
[61] J. E. Phipps, Y. Sun, M. C. Fishbein, and L. Marcu, "A fluorescence lifetime imaging classification method to investigate the collagen to lipid ratio in fibrous caps of atherosclerotic plaque," Lasers Surg Med 44, 564-571 (2012).
[60] L. Marcu and B. A. Hartl, "Fluorescence Lifetime Spectroscopy and Imaging in Neurosurgery," IEEE J Sel Top Quantum Electron 18, 1465-1477 (2012).
[59] L. Marcu, "Fluorescence lifetime techniques in medical applications," Ann Biomed Eng 40, 304-331 (2012).
[58] J. Liu, Y. Sun, J. Qi, and L. Marcu, "A novel method for fast and robust estimation of fluorescence decay dynamics using constrained least-squares deconvolution with Laguerre expansion," Phys Med Biol 57, 843-865 (2012).
[57] F. Knorr, D. R. Yankelevich, J. Liu, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, and L. Marcu, "Two-photon excited fluorescence lifetime measurements through a double-clad photonic crystal fiber for tissue micro-endoscopy," J Biophotonics 5, 14-19 (2012).
[56] J. Bec, H. Xie, D. R. Yankelevich, F. Zhou, Y. Sun, N. Ghata, R. Aldredge, and L. Marcu, "Design, construction, and validation of a rotary multifunctional intravascular diagnostic catheter combining multispectral fluorescence lifetime imaging and intravascular ultrasound," J Biomed Opt 17, 106012 (2012). - 2011
- [55] Y. Sun, Y. Sun, D. Stephens, H. Xie, J. Phipps, R. Saroufeem, J. Southard, D. S. Elson, and L. Marcu, "Dynamic tissue analysis using time- and wavelength-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy for atherosclerosis diagnosis," Opt Express 19, 3890-3901 (2011).
[54] Y. Sun, A. J. Chaudhari, M. Lam, H. Xie, D. R. Yankelevich, J. Phipps, J. Liu, M. C. Fishbein, J. M. Cannata, K. K. Shung, and L. Marcu, "Multimodal characterization of compositional, structural and functional features of human atherosclerotic plaques," Biomed Opt Express 2, 2288-2298 (2011).
[53] J. E. Phipps, N. Hatami, Z. S. Galis, J. D. Baker, M. C. Fishbein, and L. Marcu, "A fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy study of matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9 in human atherosclerotic plaque," J Biophotonics 4, 650-658 (2011).
[52] J. Phipps, Y. Sun, R. Saroufeem, N. Hatami, M. C. Fishbein, and L. Marcu, "Fluorescence lifetime imaging for the characterization of the biochemical composition of atherosclerotic plaques," J Biomed Opt 16, 096018 (2011).
[51] B. Z. Fite, M. Decaris, Y. Sun, Y. Sun, A. Lam, C. K. Ho, J. K. Leach, and L. Marcu, "Noninvasive multimodal evaluation of bioengineered cartilage constructs combining time-resolved fluorescence and ultrasound imaging," Tissue Eng Part C Methods 17, 495-504 (2011).
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[46] J. F. J. Lo, P. Butte, Q. Y. Fang, S. J. Chen, T. Papaioanou, E. S. Kim, M. Gundersen, and L. Marcu, "Multilayered MOEMS Tunable Spectrometer for Fluorescence Lifetime Detection," Ieee Photonic Tech L 22, 486-488 (2010).
[45] D. G. Farwell, J. D. Meier, J. Park, Y. Sun, H. Coffman, B. Poirier, J. Phipps, S. Tinling, D. J. Enepekides, and L. Marcu, "Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy as a diagnostic technique of oral carcinoma: Validation in the hamster buccal pouch model," Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 136, 126-133 (2010).
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[42] Y. Sun, J. Phipps, D. S. Elson, H. Stoy, S. Tinling, J. Meier, B. Poirier, F. S. Chuang, D. G. Farwell, and L. Marcu, "Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy: in vivo application to diagnosis of oral carcinoma," Opt Lett 34, 2081-2083 (2009).
[41] Y. Sun, J. Park, D. N. Stephens, J. A. Jo, L. Sun, J. M. Cannata, R. M. Saroufeem, K. K. Shung, and L. Marcu, "Development of a dual-modal tissue diagnostic system combining time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy and ultrasonic backscatter microscopy," Rev Sci Instrum 80, 065104 (2009).
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- 2016
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- 2009
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- 2008
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- 2006
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[30] P. T. Vernier, Y. Sun, J. Wang, M. M. Thu, E. Garon, M. Valderrabano, L. Marcu, H. P. Koeffler, and M. A. Gundersen, "Nanoelectropulse intracellular perturbation and electropermeabilization technology: phospholipid translocation, calcium bursts, chromatin rearrangement, cardiomyocyte activation, and tumor cell sensitivity," Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 2005, 5850-5853 (2005).
[29] Q. Y. SFang, J. J. Wang, Y. H. Sun, T. Vernier, T. Papaioannou, J. Jo, M. M. Thu, M. Gundersen, and L. Marcu, "Picosecond fluorescence lifetime imaging microscope for imaging of living glioma cells," Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules and Cells: Fundamentals and Applications III 5699, 33-39 (2005).
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[23] J. A. Jo, Q. Y. Fang, T. Papaioannou, and L. Marcu, "Laguerre nonparametric deconvolution technique of time-resolved fluorescence data: application to the prediction of concentrations in a mixture of biochemical components," Optical Biopsy V 5326, 8-16 (2004).
[22] J. A. Jo, Q. Fang, T. Papaioannou, J. H. Qiao, M. C. Fishbein, A. Dorafshar, T. Reil, D. Baker, I. Freischlag, and L. Marcu, "Novel methods of time-resolved fluorescence data analysis for in-vivo tissue characterization: Application to atherosclerosis," P Ann Int Ieee Embs 26, 1372-1375 (2004).
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[20] Q. Y. Fang, J. Jo, T. Papaioannou, A. Dorafshar, T. Reil, J. H. Qiao, M. C. Fishbein, J. A. Freischlag, and L. Marcu, "Validation of a time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy apparatus using a rabbit atherosclerosis model," Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization, Therapeutics, and Systems Xiv 5312, 294-299 (2004). - 2003
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[18] L. Marcu, P. T. Vernier, H. C. Manning, S. Salemi, A. M. Li, C. M. Craft, M. A. Gundersen, and D. J. Bornhop, "Fluorescence microscopy studies of a peripheral benzodiazepine receptor targeted molecular probe for brain tumor imaging," Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine Ii 5141, 64-69 (2003).
[17] L. Marcu, Q. Y. Fang, T. Papaioannou, J. A. Jo, R. Vaitha, and K. Shastry, "Lifetime fluorescence apparatus for clinical investigations of tissues," Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine Ii 5141, 40-46 (2003).
[16] L. Marcu, A. Elbarbary, P. Zuk, D. A. De Ugarte, P. Benhaim, H. Kurt, M. H. Hedrick, and P. Ashjian, "Lifetime fluorescence spectroscopy for in-situ investigation of osteogenic differentiation," Laser-Tissue Interaction Xiv 4961, 250-257 (2003).
[15] O. V. Ivanova, L. Marcu, and M. C. K. Khoo, "Estimation of optical fluorescent impulse response kernel in combined time and wavelength spaces," Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue V 4955, 330-341 (2003).
[14] Q. Y. Fang, T. Papaioannou, J. Jo, R. Vaitha, K. Shastry, and L. Marcu, "Compact time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopic system for clinical investigations of diseased tissue," Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems 4958, 60-66 (2003).
[13] P. V. Butte, K. Vishwanath, B. Pikul, M. A. Mycek, and L. Marcu, "Effects of tissue optical properties on time-resolved fluorescence measurements from brain tumors: An experimental and computational study," Optical Tomography and Spectroscopy of Tissue V 4955, 600-608 (2003). - 2002
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[11] L. Marcu, R. C. Thompson, S. Garde, M. Sedrak, K. L. Black, and W. H. Yong, "Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of human brain tumors," Optical Biopsy Iv 4613, 183-187 (2002). - 2001
- [10] L. Marcu, W. S. Grundfest, and J. M. I. Maarek, "Arterial fluorescent components involved in atherosclerotic plaque instability: differentiation by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy," Lasers in Surgery: Advanced Characterization Therapeutics, and Systems Xi 4244, 428-433 (2001).
- 2000
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[6] J. M. I. Maarek, L. Marcu, W. S. Grundfest, and M. Fishbein, "Classification of aortic atherosclerotic lesions with time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy," Biomedical Imaging: Reporters, Dyes, and Instrumentation, Proceedings Of 3600, 192-200 (1999). - 1998
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[4] J. M. I. Maarek, L. Marcu, and W. S. Grundfest, "Characterization of atherosclerotic lesions with laser-induced time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy," Optical Biopsy Ii, Proceedings Of 3250, 181-187 (1998). - 1995
- [3] W. J. Snyder, J. M. Maarek, S. G. Vari, L. Marcu, T. Papaioannou, V. R. Pergadia, and W. S. Grundfest, "Near Infrared Monitoring of Hemoglobin Content in the Kidney during Ischemia," Advances in Laser and Light Spectroscopy to Diagnose Cancer and Other Diseases Ii, Proceedings Of 2387, 232-238 (1995).
[2] L. Marcu, J. M. I. Maarek, A. Bembi, and S. Howell, "Skeletal Muscle Hemoglobin Content Measured by near Infrared Spectroscopy during Oscillatory Venous Pressure Variation," Advances in Laser and Light Spectroscopy to Diagnose Cancer and Other Diseases Ii, Proceedings Of 2387, 218-224 (1995). - 1994
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