Laura Marcu, Ph.D. Professor Director, NIH-NIBIB National Center for Interventional Biophotonics Technologies (NCIBT) Biomedical Engineering Neurological Surgery Fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy and imaging techniques, optical diagnosis of biological tissue, clinical applications of biophotonic technologies, label-free optical characterization of biomaterials. 530-752-0288 NCIBT Google Scholar PubMed GBSF 2513
Julien Bec, Ph.D. Engineering and Operations Director Marcu Laboratory 530-754-6586 Google Scholar GBSF
Mohamed Hassan, Ph.D. Project Scientist Marcu Laboratory Delivering engineering solutions for health care by combining sensor data with intelligent algorithms to perform precise diagnosis and timely detection of illness. LinkedIn Google Scholar Personal ORCID
Alex Adams, Ph.D Postdoctoral Scholar Biomedical Engineering LinkedIn Google Scholar
Muhammad Adeel Azam, Ph.D Postdoctoral Scholar Biomedical Engineering LinkedIn Google Scholar
Xiangnan Zhou, Ph.D. Postdoctoral Scholar Marcu Laboratory 530-754-9746 ORCID GSBF 2212
Silvia Noble Anbunesan, M.Sc. Graduate Student Biomedical Engineering LinkedIn ORCID GBSF 2212