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Alba Alfonso Garcia's lates publication

Intraoperative FLIm shows promise for real-time in vivo identification of glioblastoma infiltrative edge, a current challenge during brain tumor removal surgeries. The study comprises in vivo data from 15 glioblastoma patients, comprising 89 samples from the tumor resection margins. Read it the full paper here.


In our latest publication, the ability of multimodal FLIm–OCT to nondestructively monitor the heterogenous growth of engineered tissue constructs in situ is demonstrated. Spatial and temporal variation of construct ECM component was detected by FLIm. OCT reveals structural defects (voids and cysts). This multimodal approach has great potential to replace costly destructive tests in the manufacturing of tissue-engineered medical products, facilitating their clinical translation.

Julien Bec, Xiangnan Zhou, Mohamed Hassan and Silvia Noble present at SPIE-Photonics West 2023

Here are the presentation title:

Julien Bec: "Demonstration of a combined multispectral FLIm/ polarization-sensitive OCT catheter system for biochemical/structural evaluation of atherosclerosis lesions"

Xiangnan Zhou: "Photon economy in pulse sampling fluorescence lifetime imaging"

Mohamed Hassan: "Anatomy-specific classification models using FLIm for head & neck cancer surgical guidance"

Silvia Noble: "Intraoperative detection of IDH-mutant glioma subtype using fluorescence lifetime imaging"



Dr. Alba Alfonso-Garcia is awarded an R21 grant from the NIH

Congratulations to Alba, who was awarded an R21 Small Grant for New Investigators to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research from the NIH – NIDDK.

Alba’s work will focus on developing a fluorescence lifetime imaging method to evaluate colon inflammation in living mice. Here is a description that will give you a broader idea on the scope of her project:

Brent Weyers got his PhD

Congratulations Brent Weyers! Brent successfully passed his dissertation defense on June 15th, 2022. 

His topic: "Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging for Intraoperative Diagnosis and Surgical Guidance of Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancer"

Second Price at the Women in Photonics to Alba Alfonso-Garcia

On the international workshop “Women in Photonics” in Jena, Germany Alba Alfonso-Garcia presented her poster “Label-free fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIm) for surgical guidance: Detection of brain tumors and gastrointestinal disease”. With this poster presentation Alba won the second price in the “Best Poster” category.


The first price in this category goes also to a UC Davis member: Hannah O’Toole (Carney Lab) with the poster title “SERS-MOF platform for capture and detection of tumor-associated volatile organic compounds”.