
Brent Weyers got his PhD

Congratulations Brent Weyers! Brent successfully passed his dissertation defense on June 15th, 2022. 

His topic: "Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging for Intraoperative Diagnosis and Surgical Guidance of Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Cancer"

Second Price at the Women in Photonics to Alba Alfonso-Garcia

On the international workshop “Women in Photonics” in Jena, Germany Alba Alfonso-Garcia presented her poster “Label-free fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIm) for surgical guidance: Detection of brain tumors and gastrointestinal disease”. With this poster presentation Alba won the second price in the “Best Poster” category.


The first price in this category goes also to a UC Davis member: Hannah O’Toole (Carney Lab) with the poster title “SERS-MOF platform for capture and detection of tumor-associated volatile organic compounds”.

Best Poster Presentation at BMEGG 2022 to Brent Weyers

The price for the best poster presentation on the Biomedical Engineering Research Symposium 2022 goes to Brent Weyers.

Title of the poster: "In Vivo Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging In H&N Oncology: An 88-Patient Study Demonstrating Cancer Detection and Confirmation of Negative Surgical Margins"

Xiangnan Zhou got his PhD

Xiangnan Zhou has made it: he successfully received his PhD on March 4th, 2022.

His thesis topic: "Novel optical techniques for characterization of native and engineered cartilage and the development of APD based fluorescence lifetime imaging system". 

2nd Best Poster and 3rd Best Prasentation to Marcu Lab Members

UC Davis Hosts JEDIS Summer School on Biophotonics in Translational Research, see article here.

2nd Best Poster: Brent Weyers - “Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIm) for Intraoperative Pathology Detection in Transoral Robotic Surgery“

3rd Best Presentation: Tanveer Ahmed Shaik - “FLIm-guided Raman Imaging to Detect Bovine Pericardium Cross-links and Calcification”